Have towel—will travel
Use a towel when sitting on chairs or lounges or in the sauna. (You might even wish to have two towels when swimming or in the sauna so you always have a dry towel to sit on.) Taking photos If you take a photograph of someone you must have their permission. This also applies to any person likely to be in the field of view who might be recognisable and parental approval must be obtained before photographing minors. Photographs must not be published (print or electronic) outside the club without written permission of the subjects. Health and safety first Note the sign at the entrance to the pool. This shows that glass containers are not permitted, that the gate should be kept shut and running and pets are not allowed. Children must be accompanied by an adult. By territory law smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places. If you are cooking in the kitchen remember to wear an apron and gloves. Privacy Respect other people’s privacy. While we are a friendly lot, some people may not be willing to divulge all details about themselves. Personal space boundaries tend to be more extended in a nudist club. Unacceptable behaviour We do not condone persistent staring, stalking, crowding an individual’s personal space, unwanted advances, sexual harassment, public sexual acts or any other inappropriate behaviour. Talk, listen, mingle Be friendly. Remember being a good listener is as much a part of being a good conversationalist as is talking. Feel free to ask others about nudism. Speak up if someone is violating club rules or etiquette, and try not to take it personally or get upset if this happens. Unwarranted behaviour should be reported to the committee. This is a nudist club after all At a nudist club the expectation is that people will be nude—unless weather conditions or some other legitimate reason makes this impractical. The pool area and the sauna are nude-only areas. Test |
Nudism, far from being a craze, is a particularly fulfilling way of life, which is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this? First and foremost, it is because it is synonymous with the idea of freedom. It is also because the benefits of nudity on the mind and body are very real. Finally, it is because social differences disappear once clothes are discarded. At the ACTNC, we promote healthy and all-ages nudism that is practised with respect: • respect for others: politeness, discretion and consideration are shown at all times. Complete nudity is encouraged everywhere, but is obligatory in the pool area. Clothes can be worn when necessary (e.g. when it is cold). We also respect the fact that some may be self-conscious. • self-respect: each visit allows you to reconnect with your body, to liberate it and to accept and love it. Activities such as swimming and walking naked provide a sense of healing and wellbeing. You can be yourself with complete peace of mind. • respect for the environment: our nudism lives side by side with the natural world. Our site is a nature reserve and a home for a multitude of plants and animals. |